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Passive Senior Peers in 'freeworld' Network

Showing 227 entries from a total of 227 peers.

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DXlfOZDXEX_k Philippineshttps supported Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.924/10042 61 140 0 0 0 5 +0800 2 days 17:04 411,536 4,686,081 0 239 492 76,645 76,645 en_US m  p  w  b 
2kmgfPOWx7i4 _anonw-71603225-15https supported Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.820/09000 242 143 0 0 0.04 9 +0100 2 days 09:28 1,471,588 192,054 0 5,287,949 38,807,203 7,213,596 1,472,344 m  p  w  b 
V1OMqNDnCsoF freddy13 Principal offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/3ede322f5 29 46 1 5,349 0.02 17 +0300 0 days 14:23 35,326,335 10,009,540 9,500,144 34,438 137,566 32,844,206 4,410,179 m  p  w  b 
FlCAtM9bEZPY agent-kisemer-ufe-0 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10069 94 109 95 0 0 35 +0000 0 days 00:05 4,633,647 99 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
WDVgiggNUkbW precisionyacy Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/6db374fdc 112 78 0 0 0.04 41 +0100 13 days 14:42 20,131,003 19,802,829 0 1,914,578 26,864,508 86,966,523 8,011,410 m  p  w  b 
qAIVfS-qMrdN sixcooler2 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/8ee8f4750 5063 140 1 66 1.52 79 +0100 0 days 09:42 77,936,218 33,766,159 0 584,383,129 4,140,473,651 1,007,899,400 391,878,100 Europe/de m  p  w  b 
X8lqE1KnULka agent-lanopaf-ufe-0 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/4308aa541 98 0 2 0 1.01 93 +0000 0 days 04:12 24,237,957 17,120,860 0 390,571 3,291,197 36,887,951 5,070,604 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
PN9YpJiWc46m agent-fenokok-w-31 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 145 137 8 0 1.86 162 -0400 0 days 01:09 8,246,413 1,170,907 0 9,829,010 77,321,813 48,735,254 8,239,153 America/en m  p  w  b 
YyY3BPY3EV4U agent-hularon-ufe-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/9f20f7336 4 134 0 0 1.81 210 +0100 2 days 06:52 630,598 2,322,390 0 1,349 1,349 133,662 123,735 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
__cdufIVU8tj agent-resehih-ufe-13... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 443 139 0 0 0.77 293 -0600 1 day 12:54 5,052,228 2,314,332 0 7,757,610 69,777,497 43,934,504 5,061,125 America/en m  p  w  b 
NHl1VyGzuMSF _anonufe-34828495-0https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.921/09598 2223 136 0 0 0.89 446 -0500 3 days 05:10 14,773,909 864,450 0 1,743,862 14,188,951 11,692,331 2,798,042 America/en m  p  w  b 
RzWp1XsvkjKy agent-gegeden-ufe-52 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 28 130 13 0 0.6 480 -0300 0 days 00:29 4,084 0 0 0 0 5,490 5,469 en_US m  p  w  b 
XCIQGI2W1OTL _q-centauri-5139 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 1158 138 0 0 0.69 553 +0100 1 day 05:05 44,511,240 9,286,475 0 10,978,616 215,147,790 1,006,928,942 43,857,639 Europe/de m  p  w  b 
ZSOReTuOI5Gv nugauk Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 21 138 8 0 2.84 622 +0000 0 days 01:27 121,617 652,828 0 71,955 1,626,726 5,714,502 4,443 UTC/en m  p  w  b 
663kmaIepqgF agent-refilal-ufe-26 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/09000 73 137 0 0 0.44 625 -0300 13 days 07:26 2,535,738 464,622 0 532,351 3,185,965 8,609,301 2,535,163 America/pt m  p  w  b 
KiygROyeum41 agent-tigigub-w-19 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 1 0 0 0 0 753 -0500 0 days 23:07 6,669 125,671 0 24 18 3,226 3,226 en_US m  p  w  b 
8_K-uGyS2oWL agent-soheron-ufe-32 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/4308aa541 268 133 2 0 0 888 +0000 0 days 02:35 5,739,623 5,727,705 0 157,694 626,100 22,523,597 5,099,797 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
0Avm2wECZcp3 agent-subunut-w-16https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 10 135 1 0 1.86 969 +0100 0 days 06:54 765,674 232,603 0 1,111 1,111 2,495,835 751,515 Europe/de m  p  w  b 
lU0ugmjuAyDu agent-nikusus-ufe-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 12 137 0 0 2.49 1,010 -0800 0 days 11:35 246,228 1,689,530 0 10,360 33,876 349,071 218,579 US/en m  p  w  b 
jwJcyou4-x_n _anonw-47233477-0 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.920/09000 267 136 4 0 0.03 1,067 +0100 0 days 00:58 876,762 101,147 0 48,280 315,700 1,034,324 640,311 m  p  w  b 
n_eDoitX6Fzt _anonufe-6867281-74 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 2410 128 4 0 2.98 1,464 +0200 0 days 02:04 15,252,662 697,046 0 24,034,058 223,576,287 102,331,747 15,631,901 Europe/ru m  p  w  b 
AiFxtzichaLL agent-larehol-w-37 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/8318c1080 160 128 2 456 1.41 1,507 +0800 0 days 03:03 528,343 6,917,113 0 11,723 67,708 1,573,801 470,376 Asia/zh m  p  w  b 
KS2dvEI08K2z agent-mohoheb-w-32https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 27 133 6 9 1.21 1,627 +0900 0 days 00:30 67,286 67,195 0 2 2 74,659 65,958 Asia/ja m  p  w  b 
XJ99L5AymuKc agent-hilimum-ufe-44 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10069 23 145 0 0 3.14 1,684 +0000 0 days 20:17 26,846 2,280 0 475 1,376 27,965 26,738 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
a8Nz8zz8I4E_ agent-hasobup-ufe-22 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 43 73 5 0 0.01 1,894 -0500 0 days 01:23 1,948,187 584,247 0 397,075 1,564,420 6,410,732 1,969,167 en_US m  p  w  b 
88QHukeTGFFw Azerbaijan02 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 10 159 3,093 0 0 2,107 +0000 0 days 00:00 761,797 9,372,242 0 214,064 1,127,946 462,885 339,579 az_AZ m  p  w  b 
aj8UjFvl8bfr agent-rarihag-w-20 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 24 124 1 0 2.95 2,149 +0300 0 days 09:27 2,536,635 871,025 0 183,894 975,075 10,021,170 2,535,673 Europe/ru m  p  w  b 
QGqJ29O8xhSa agent-sosutot-ufe-95 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 211 161 0 0 0 2,167 +0000 0 days 05:04 749,364 120,356 0 131,107 986,040 1,336,796 749,112 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
Wo_Xb_sG27v1 _anonufe-1554237-32 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10069 1613 126 3 0 1.78 2,323 -0500 0 days 04:12 22,606,189 6,938,951 0 13,027,696 126,574,290 223,184,613 22,638,021 America/es m  p  w  b 
Rlks7Pg4Boga conitomanigahata Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 19 151 1 3 1.36 2,936 +0000 0 days 07:44 93,295 233,955 0 282 282 1,323 1,323 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
wzpXLeDom9DA cloudparty Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/b8479430b 192 134 2 0 4.16 3,297 +0800 0 days 02:21 4,436,309 1,248,750 0 631,587 4,643,488 19,108,614 4,441,979 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
KCA5Z3ce8Ar5 agent-sopafuh-ufe-51 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.924/10069 326 293 2 111 1.84 3,412 +0000 0 days 03:35 199,039 2,804,844 0 1,007 1,007 48,463 46,319 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
29B50PE9zG36 agent-Freewebworld Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 61 133 0 0 2.5 3,593 +0100 2 days 06:23 4,168,634 7,999,317 0 871,500 8,918,155 13,194,085 2,493,453 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
nV0Df-oKMHh- agent-kikosih-ufe-28... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 112 129 0 0 3.37 3,603 +0000 0 days 18:49 2,571,094 511,214 0 1,097,920 9,463,699 12,734,487 2,571,318 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
-0imBgtBz9-T agent-latigon-ufe-33 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/70454654f 177 1 0 0 3.2 3,757 +0000 174 days 21:41 351 2,165,469 0 50,800 50,800 222,604,933 7,020 m  p  w  b 
zcsgRdOBkdbv dk5ras Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/9f20f7336 2192 134 7 0 1.02 3,768 +0100 0 days 00:35 541,327 556,959 0 64,373 202,024 2,095,223 538,524 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
dxJmU4-BFKRI agent-budurod-ufe-21 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 33 136 0 0 1.69 3,836 +0100 0 days 20:52 2,500,761 609,701 0 210,327 706,294 7,721,131 2,504,019 Europe/de m  p  w  b 
-qJ8YYZs1uR_ agent-rupugig-ufe-8 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 47 171 2,028 0 0 4,111 +0100 0 days 00:00 222,727 24,184 0 23,723 220,085 323,327 221,566 Europe/pl m  p  w  b 
mOnua1avctiG agent-honadub-w-75 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 849 133 0 0 2.72 4,511 +0100 0 days 15:02 556,375 55,688 0 199,882 1,540,850 938,094 556,649 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
IZj0YcSJze2q agent-gusodel-w-24 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 3 0 1 0 0 4,562 +0200 0 days 02:07 2,005 43,214 0 1,234 665 1,060 1,060 m  p  w  b 
LkBNLLg-IFFy agent-tahumek-ufe-11... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled dev/00000 3 0 14 0 0.95 4,586 +0000 0 days 00:21 2,216 31,311 0 64 5 4,082 4,092 GMT/en m  p  w  b 
OL0tuKAOngfu panda-goathttps supported Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10069 3 131 3 0 0.38 4,830 +1100 0 days 01:30 51,567 778,250 0 13 34 1,221 1,221 m  p  w  b 
RvMipmlmSpuJ agent-ratulin-w-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 3 128 23 435 0 4,839 +0100 0 days 00:06 2,510 55,253 0 0 0 1,686 1,686 en_EU m  p  w  b 
tJSqa1YVdEaO agent-rikapes-w-7 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10042 17 131 0 0 0.27 4,938 +0500 0 days 12:06 1,896 5 0 11,046 10,024 145,535 2,242 Asia/ru m  p  w  b 
l3eteJn8zsjK agent-gubutun-ufe-27 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.940/9f20f7336 8 134 0 0 8.05 5,004 +0000 1 day 13:47 2,515,929 8,124,664 0 114,417 59,242 2,544,508 1,317,856 en_GB m  p  w  b 
dyEwNBy_-z6P agent-mapitib-w-13 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 3 137 3 0 0.01 5,016 +0100 0 days 01:13 481 74,569 0 0 0 669 669 en_GB m  p  w  b 
g_LhOps80DZ8 agent-hiloded-ufe-87 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/9f20f7336 3 130 9 186 0 5,038 +0000 0 days 00:17 1,735 39,431 0 0 0 226 226 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
ftNqg1NUAHQQ agent-norosis-w-0 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 14 131 0 0 1.63 5,134 -0600 2 days 00:47 791,453 84,559 0 288,284 2,576,006 1,496,362 789,910 America/en m  p  w  b 
TMTriBek9k5l agent-fonurad-ufe-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled dev/00000 3 157 733 0 0 5,219 -0500 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en_US m  p  w  b 
o8HnGa1_Hmuy agent-belomug-w-58 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 4 108 58 3 4.03 5,918 +0500 0 days 00:03 140 3,067 0 157 17 349 349 m  p  w  b 
Rw9mOOK-H6nF panda-goat Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 4 142 1,194 0 0 5,991 +1100 0 days 00:00 525 10,405 0 362 158 571 571 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
OeLs5wmOZQpF panda-goat Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 4 127 51 0 0 6,033 +1100 0 days 00:03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
PvGrXKRiaP3N panda-goat Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 4 131 3 0 1.29 6,047 +1100 0 days 01:10 695 42,967 0 1,317 1,267 492 492 m  p  w  b 
8Z9T5ugFjcSj agent-dumanun-ufe-13... Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10042 429 123 0 0 2.09 6,096 -0800 34 days 10:18 22,155,705 2,967,911 0 11,831,264 117,345,829 328,473,060 22,172,102 America/en m  p  w  b 
nRuRhS4npMxo agent-muturil-ufe-37 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled dev/00000 19 129 0 0 3.01 6,370 +0800 8 days 22:29 3,594,259 1,421,187 0 1,518,638 13,529,143 23,651,679 3,596,177 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
KlReWM8yOQvc agent-hepisad-w-13 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 4 131 0 0 7.85 6,597 +0100 0 days 07:04 2,563 0 0 0 0 2,418 2,418 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
abaaiftpCcah agent-kapudor-ufe-49 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/09000 37 132 1 0 10.13 6,669 +0000 0 days 02:12 4,595,456 114,832 0 260,054 2,298,059 1,723,576 237,548 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
fSnw2O1nCbpt agent-kehohag-ufe-32 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10069 485 140 0 0 0.74 6,742 +0100 8 days 00:04 10,967,556 408,906 0 1,084,528 11,297,847 6,279,416 438,547 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
w8v44BRcU99j agent-lefoset-w-0 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10042 17 131 0 0 0.17 6,842 -0500 2 days 21:13 2,468,653 542,286 0 3,712 68,852 957,752 822 America/en m  p  w  b 
tJGS1GFSmKxY agent-bigm Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/09000 85 127 2 0 4.09 6,938 +0100 0 days 02:15 6,829,918 2,210,188 0 3,761,842 35,341,005 55,903,966 6,833,000 Europe/sk m  p  w  b 
mYixrXBD8kdn Choomba Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/9f20f7336 4 127 13 39 8.03 7,099 +0000 0 days 00:13 416 4,136 0 0 0 565 565 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
1UlLA9Nfd7v- agent-ramdrive Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.940/d181b9e89 77 129 0 0 0 7,342 +0800 0 days 18:13 1,007,164 777,014 0 284,085 1,424,820 1,924,536 1,203,334 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
BXGE9avZbaDn agent-smokingwheels Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/09000 602 129 0 0 0.71 7,343 +0800 1 day 19:15 55,272,252 14,632,354 0 6,877,502 61,027,190 241,564,337 13,885,984 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
OXAVbbDeuevS agent-pegacrawl Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/feca15067 9 127 0 24 2.44 7,343 +0800 1 day 19:20 1,085,665 8,014,557 0 4,961 4,961 462,796 331,039 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
r8LUbonK2GOa agent-asx Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/b8479430b 285 131 0 177 0.9 7,390 +0800 1 day 18:28 22,003,915 14,079,881 0 1,735,490 14,610,882 25,393,004 5,643,306 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
P0FmuLdWJW_z agent-dobetul-ufe-50 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/9f20f7336 5 140 10 0 0 7,685 +0200 0 days 00:15 0 2 0 0 0 85 85 ro_RO m  p  w  b 
6UN9ibR9U-i7 agent-radadim-w-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 8 0 0 0 0.12 7,803 +0100 2 days 21:29 4,411 56,936 0 0 0 4,004 4,014 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
Q8vRWay_S0pf agent-nidisum-w-0https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 13 139 1 0 3.02 8,149 +0300 0 days 04:42 203,628 160,951 0 7,675 14,277 287,006 204,291 Europe/ru m  p  w  b 
E8EkE6ySwI8p agent-lurumor-ufe-13https supported Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.925/10272 986 133 2 0 0.67 8,480 +0100 0 days 03:41 2,814,008 567,221 0 76,344 3,207,183 4,652,931 2,437,384 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
ZXrGNvucsTCw agent-letesok-w-65 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 6 136 11 0 0 9,081 -0600 0 days 00:15 341 43,871 0 0 0 1,042 1,042 America/en m  p  w  b 
SrMBkI4wsn5C agent-gukufef-ufe-78 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 6 143 7 0 1.06 9,406 +0100 0 days 00:22 355 1 0 0 0 390 390 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
lrEvhmR3FbcE agent-honasem-ufe-58 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 14 143 1 0 3.71 9,624 +0100 0 days 05:34 211,032 32,587 0 674 7,966 318,990 211,783 m  p  w  b 
4KUtUKsZgOnr agent-pukitas-w-31 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 33 1 5 0 2.3 9,703 +0300 0 days 00:54 20,536 31,583 0 1,103 1,249 24,410 20,719 m  p  w  b 
OH7euBMtWBzE agent-figolog-w-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 9 139 7 0 1.95 9,724 +0100 0 days 00:40 35 5,663 0 16 19 95 95 Europe/pl m  p  w  b 
2_4Qs9vqYCV2 TeeKay01 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 21 139 0 9 0.04 9,925 +0100 1 day 01:31 9,065,732 15,243,038 12,004 148,284 1,130,443 5,935 5,934 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
K_Xc0n-FHX8M agent-lidonel-ufe-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 13 133 0 0 0.12 10,361 +0000 6 days 10:49 484 259,048 0 4 4 673,295 6,041 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
ZCutSig7Jus6 agent-kinuhis-w-6 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 7 150 705 0 0 10,622 +0100 0 days 00:00 1,526 29,810 0 0 0 3,254 3,254 en_GB m  p  w  b 
PIZPT_GiP2wB agent-polamir-w-7 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 7 149 496 0 0 10,682 +0100 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
dhZ14RVlKpTB agent-mipidum-ufe-33 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled dev/00000 7 149 54 348 0 10,812 +0000 0 days 00:06 16,891 687,395 0 1,166 775 2,904 2,904 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
LFo2s_QUDs5Y agent-hisumek-ufe-30 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/d181b9e89 269 134 19 0 0.88 10,856 +0300 0 days 00:23 3,215,357 276,262 0 3,005,786 25,673,048 8,967,615 3,211,375 Europe/ru m  p  w  b 
OOdzkp1GL2cl agent-liratig-w-34 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 39 134 16 0 0.1 11,513 +0200 0 days 00:12 21,239 1,584 0 630 5,839 25,136 23,332 Europe/lt m  p  w  b 
lou6IG1Km1fm agent-huropen-xmfe-1... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 13 140 0 0 0.01 11,815 -0600 5 days 10:30 29,987 4,743 0 0 0 34,503 30,663 America/en m  p  w  b 
MGV8wOaFC-Kg TeeKay02 Principal offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 19 142 3 324 2.44 12,367 +0100 0 days 02:27 656,191 678,640 206,114 12,982 151,155 525,786 342,556 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
KEiEALoZSgxh agent-kaposuf-ufe-82 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 23 139 8 0 0.78 12,613 +0100 0 days 00:51 196,335 92,374 120,434 20 20 239,974 188,483 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
OrQd4kP3-fyi agent-refohim-w-17 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 10 0 9 0 1.24 12,886 +0200 0 days 00:21 2,246 108,569 0 123 136 3,774 3,774 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
Ywy54CR2d07H agent-rufedib-ufe-29 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 12 134 0 0 0.08 13,197 -0800 0 days 12:44 79,368 3,285,083 0 2,452 8,357 14,178 14,172 US/en m  p  w  b 
zEwgmfmuf_c4 yacytr Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 781 143 0 126 0.38 13,280 +0300 0 days 10:24 4,289,980 6,648,781 0 58,245 289,196 9,365,244 2,120,319 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
nA9C5oqoSVw_ agent-lasetit-ufe-18 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 9 138 3 0 0 13,437 -0900 0 days 01:31 7,355 116,696 0 0 0 317 317 America/en m  p  w  b 
j2yPnt2Q8nPO GreatLakeFishingTour... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 24 41 0 0 2.69 13,773 +0000 14 days 12:28 1,029,188 4,475,805 0 39,750 39,750 2,555,390 769,439 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
lwgnhHEaWiIw agent-gosakeb-ufe-25 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 10 139 15 0 4.14 14,167 +0000 0 days 00:25 65,907 1,812,772 0 14,091 60,147 1,761 1,761 GMT/en m  p  w  b 
oLwePmAgS-qA agent-dipogan-w-18 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 10 128 0 93 0 14,612 -0500 0 days 10:17 67,469 57,667 0 60 67 7,170 7,170 America/en m  p  w  b 
69VDjDXEViMD peregrinus-int-24https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 333 129 3 0 2.05 15,342 +0100 0 days 01:11 683,795 130,145 0 7,232 25,444 1,201,446 685,258 Europe/sv m  p  w  b 
25-om4k2Bnha agent-funikir-ufe-17 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 11 132 1 0 0.58 15,397 +0000 0 days 05:41 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 GMT/en m  p  w  b 
LQ2QK1xNOH48 agent-lazersate-w-23 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 11 134 0 0 0.05 15,419 -0500 0 days 05:53 12,066 60,745 0 6,088 4,533 1,883 1,883 America/en m  p  w  b 
PnNES1X-mee_ boxservers Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 19 134 0 147 3.07 15,596 +0000 3 days 21:31 7,755,377 14,462,565 0 25,759 32,972 14,830,174 3,415,808 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
lVvTTBfzbqMA agent-nerohus-xmfe-8 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 13 0 0 0 0.15 15,755 -0800 2 days 23:46 409 7 0 0 0 577 577 America/en m  p  w  b 
RrceXwRY7-Yk agent-lilohak-w-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 11 138 2 0 0 16,257 +0000 0 days 01:58 2,502 100,742 0 0 0 2,327 2,327 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
Lv5NfNsdw6J5 agent-dekokun-w-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 12 136 0 0 0.02 16,523 -0500 0 days 23:35 49 2,471 0 38 54 577 577 America/en m  p  w  b 
a_pTyX3J_6Nx agent-bukuhih-w-8 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 983 133 0 0 1.14 16,553 +0000 0 days 13:13 2,012,783 224,250 0 165,604 832,419 4,490,314 2,018,710 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
B5SfSjTWDMox agent-gelafun-ufe-31 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 109 137 5 21 0 16,554 +0100 0 days 00:45 241 23,163 0 62 11 69 67 Europe/de m  p  w  b 
KLO6tp-JT9-M agent-bufoket-ufe-16... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 11 136 1 0 0.59 16,561 -0500 0 days 03:57 51 2 0 0 0 178 178 America/en m  p  w  b 
LBUYvm8EoWnm agent-nipudug-ufe-67 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 21 139 10 0 7.01 16,669 -0500 0 days 00:26 19,271 1,606 0 1,197 13,236 21,778 19,956 America/en m  p  w  b 
lvLsUxHwXtVx agent-tubegen-ufe-35 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 11 128 44 0 0 16,962 +0100 0 days 00:03 801 97,381 0 0 0 186 186 m  p  w  b 
KdJwS03MZfLu tegus-search-peer Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 23 135 0 0 7.37 17,139 +0000 10 days 04:13 194,201 3,897,808 0 15,880 37,780 984,369 6,829 UTC/en m  p  w  b 
d5qxXgo5PQlI gigaindex_3 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.926/c3824854c 121 134 1 0 0.27 17,347 +0100 0 days 06:36 139,396,527 11,139,741 0 241,361 986,423 1,117,894 279,806 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
Y08YKjxJkaod agent-dogudap-ufe-22 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 12 133 1 0 0.02 17,747 +0100 0 days 03:39 38 3 0 0 0 85 85 Europe/es m  p  w  b 
OFkCenKU4bBJ agent-lonolil-w-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 12 143 8 0 0 18,183 +0100 0 days 00:21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Europe/de m  p  w  b 
9Vx-v_RfJ06d agent-kasomok-w-12 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 15 144 3 0 0.01 18,185 -0300 0 days 00:58 1,631 38,273 0 1,402 1,166 1,188 1,188 en_US m  p  w  b 
uSaDdA37WQsH agent-letesuf-ufe-20... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 34 135 0 0 7.43 18,322 +0000 4 days 20:04 4,026,290 762,722 0 2,105,498 19,273,413 19,041,422 4,030,337 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
Oaf_xbBENP4M agent-homukap-w-15 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 12 136 20 0 0 18,520 +0200 0 days 00:06 9 10 0 0 0 18 9 m  p  w  b 
25Gk1W35s1mD agent-tugebal-ufe-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 14 133 0 0 0 19,234 +0000 0 days 23:51 0 18 0 0 0 4,871 4,871 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
pm7PmXdbSoaN jghkjhjugfzt675579o Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.921/09942 17 135 1 0 1.81 19,305 +0100 0 days 02:57 206,495 63,518 0 305 2,391 262,944 190,513 en_GB m  p  w  b 
30tMtruDo4fV agent-fidelug-w-38 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 261 133 0 0 3.13 19,479 -0800 0 days 21:16 2,699,205 863,080 0 549,664 2,326,135 12,667,835 2,699,394 America/en m  p  w  b 
D0irRSZkK0nm agent-tarofil-ufe-34 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/6db374fdc 63 133 3 0 0.39 19,671 +0000 0 days 02:48 256,793 2,306,768 0 20,017 147,883 201,506 148,031 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
j9a9YNVUS2hU agent-dikapum-w-14https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 289 133 4 3 0.03 19,671 +0100 0 days 01:17 292,726 120,301 0 9,022 14,835 422,556 290,784 m  p  w  b 
EZCfrHtFPUwt agent-hirolon-w-18 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 46 136 38 207 2.86 20,119 +0100 0 days 00:07 123,309 549,271 0 5,335 16,876 71,818 61,229 m  p  w  b 
FuyWcr8y2cnP agent-notopok-ufe-29 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/d181b9e89 107 128 0 0 8.37 20,529 +0000 1 day 05:29 7,113,048 4,807,797 0 356,020 1,723,084 41,311,777 6,653,995 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
9dno73RLwqj_ Unixstarhttps supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 614 181 33 0 1.56 20,736 +0100 0 days 00:05 929,266 84,984 0 128,060 1,339,929 1,287,932 923,485 en_GB m  p  w  b 
eWE2592vhAr3 agent-kitelot-w-44https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 15 139 26 0 0 20,826 +0200 0 days 00:06 9,885 535,956 0 1,742 3,259 5,915 5,915 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
IbQJc5dBxNIM agent-hakokos-xmfe-8 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 14 133 9 0 0.13 20,855 -0600 0 days 00:18 738 70,751 0 0 0 244 244 America/en m  p  w  b 
QQzsxjs0KH4w agent888 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 395 135 11 81 2.27 20,951 +0200 0 days 00:13 243,098 467,468 0 579 661 302,452 221,859 ro_RO m  p  w  b 
RqeqQvPmSGYJ agent-kukaked-ufe-15 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 18 135 0 0 2.7 21,163 +0000 0 days 23:37 420,437 53,552 0 25,311 220,567 642,696 423,317 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
8p6975vZp4YJ agent-pahulik-ufe-14... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 239 27 0 0 3.49 21,274 +0300 24 days 17:11 8,910,708 720,483 0 3,193,969 28,541,533 28,626,049 1,505,478 Europe/ru m  p  w  b 
KxAySalre8xD agent-rubekom-ufe-64 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 14 127 13 0 4.74 21,455 +0000 0 days 00:10 72 1 0 0 0 96 96 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
-TDtL-yJVR-n agent-tinorof-w-16https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 850 132 0 0 13.92 21,763 +0100 0 days 08:07 1,569,768 235,256 0 52,453 122,899 3,789,785 1,574,073 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
f3X8U-2yI6Io yacy-triro-net Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 47 132 0 657 3.08 21,879 +0100 16 days 07:15 12,553,702 12,414,547 0 229,927 1,471,967 39,584,039 5,168,570 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
CpHyjvEk5Hvi agent-rafuser-ufe-33 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled dev/00000 17 146 609 0 0 22,586 +0000 0 days 00:00 110,019 2,269,997 0 55,990 227,249 1,804 1,804 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
ZIVxzsEsrDMl agent-buhonol-w-42 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 15 138 413 0 0 22,693 -0800 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
32iG74SZtDJ2 agent-rihapis-ufe-19 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 16 130 5 6 1.06 22,890 +0000 0 days 01:08 71,809 206,392 36,513 47 10 0 0 GMT/en m  p  w  b 
l9-a0r94qUIU YodaNet66 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 16 137 0 0 21.75 22,915 +0000 0 days 09:22 414,842 1,661,273 0 141 1,101 3,652 3,652 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
eGi9OufeAI2x agent-notugop-w-9 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 15 131 16 0 7.1 22,986 -0800 0 days 00:08 148 2 0 0 0 453 453 m  p  w  b 
AKhlVGm_XAV- agent-pidusim-w-33 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10042 427 137 0 0 0.37 23,668 -0500 1 day 05:30 12,158,174 3,828,056 0 767,891 7,390,080 59,495,171 3,410,535 m  p  w  b 
hi92_oQKgpm8 Choomba Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 19 139 10 0 15.86 23,801 +0000 0 days 00:43 29,620 32,354 0 77,654 55,307 102,025 23,218 de_DE m  p  w  b 
LhDtK-Tc7lVN agent-polonuh-ufe-33 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 16 135 8 174 0.68 23,806 +0000 0 days 00:27 8,440 156,796 127,932 7 2 0 0 GMT/en m  p  w  b 
Yy07LHSSVG8y agent-lusiran-w-18 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 16 150 408 0 0 24,008 +0500 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en_EU m  p  w  b 
As1jM4BM7wx8 agent-mesehem-w-0 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 44 141 2 0 18.48 24,129 +1000 0 days 03:43 373,178 231,682 0 9,652 28,721 781,838 371,601 m  p  w  b 
pMGMxdB26Tna agent-belofef-ufe-26 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 16 138 5 0 5.59 24,279 -0800 0 days 00:51 293 13,861 0 0 0 32 32 m  p  w  b 
lTCuEDXbyyFu agent-pidinuh-ufe-63 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 16 141 3 0 0 24,374 +0000 0 days 00:47 905 167,747 0 0 0 289 289 m  p  w  b 
luiUt273f8da agent-potulin-ufe-17 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 17 152 5 0 1.9 25,045 -0500 0 days 00:54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
fq4ocwMjyexy dashserve Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 26 142 0 0 0.44 25,317 -0500 3 days 18:48 2,567,058 13,898,538 0 28,633 156,023 2,922,390 921,164 m  p  w  b 
K5S0hsTk7RgU agent-selukup-w-40 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 19 140 0 0 0 25,320 +0400 0 days 15:43 846 146,820 0 26,575 19,418 729 729 m  p  w  b 
N0k7Y2DVdpxV agent-korelob-w-17 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 17 141 1 0 0.49 25,481 +0100 0 days 03:35 116 18,259 0 0 0 20 20 fr_FR m  p  w  b 
Y71h_eW43hC2 agent-heluduh-ufe-21... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 27 142 2 0 1.05 25,534 -0500 0 days 02:30 76,374 7,249 0 1,348 12,402 85,012 77,813 en_US m  p  w  b 
g34jmbpixuVb searchhttps supported Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.925/09000 361 138 0 0 1.67 25,704 +0000 4 days 17:46 2,148,696 713,242 0 37,105 268,967 8,043,483 2,174,250 en_US m  p  w  b 
8heoAko7EQxA agent-bihukih-ufe-14... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 152 137 1 0 1.32 25,717 +0100 0 days 04:18 8,832,500 1,313,606 0 6,341,379 76,366,805 63,847,897 8,846,519 m  p  w  b 
MgYMvGpx525_ agent-nobibal-w-11 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 19 139 0 0 0.87 25,725 +0100 1 day 16:49 1,050 85,280 0 17,395 18,459 652 652 m  p  w  b 
H-yBjgh_zjE_ Mlem Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 1088 142 0 0 5.29 25,791 +0000 28 days 17:09 32,466,849 8,746,454 0 29,830,231 269,491,578 581,520,764 32,450,198 m  p  w  b 
eW7hV4nPTbjM agent-aximander Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 18 148 65 0 0 25,823 +0100 0 days 00:05 4,783 21 0 0 0 9,128 9,129 m  p  w  b 
29M5-frIP1dU agent-defukam-ufe-0 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 73 137 1 0 0 25,902 -0600 0 days 02:44 875,803 141,341 0 86,995 428,244 112,875 71,522 en_US m  p  w  b 
nFznbGCddaU1 agent-dashier-z-2https supported Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 50 140 0 0 3.84 26,528 +0000 0 days 10:14 486,480 933,532 0 44,440 227,066 1,221,679 454,308 en_EU m  p  w  b 
OITDjYHu2vNU lemming Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 1187 139 5 0 5.19 26,537 +0100 0 days 00:52 2,256,829 273,643 0 41,206 337,981 4,731,035 2,249,017 fr_FR m  p  w  b 
OLUkUJesjMP8 agent-tapiral-w-10 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10042 18 134 46 0 0 26,679 +0000 0 days 00:06 11,294 13,479 0 0 0 5,780 5,780 en_GB m  p  w  b 
oN_oh1e73czX agent-horibef-ufe-32 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 31 145 0 0 0.09 26,912 +0000 0 days 22:57 20,328 167,647 0 52,565 122,030 1,742 1,294 m  p  w  b 
LN_4Dmie9MP9 agent-redohud-w-34 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 18 145 2 0 0.19 27,057 -0800 0 days 02:41 524 6,942 0 0 0 274 274 en_US m  p  w  b 
ZFV_qPXZQhLA _anonufe-75568449-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.921/09942 19 139 0 0 0 27,299 -0700 0 days 05:38 375 2 0 0 0 499 499 en_US m  p  w  b 
OI19FVQ6iC3q agent-fegukih-ufe-13 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/d181b9e89 202 141 0 0 0.05 27,348 +0100 2 days 20:49 4,202,231 9,158,328 0 176,082 2,123,304 10,294,877 3,494,197 m  p  w  b 
Krr0ZCoHe_MI agent-sesenuh-ufe-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 19 126 19 0 0 27,928 +1030 0 days 00:09 1,483 23,132 0 0 0 1,665 1,665 en_AU m  p  w  b 
vKPvqxculcZL agent-petifes-ufe-30... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 23 142 2 0 0.33 28,128 +0000 0 days 01:11 7,425 1,088 0 186 1,343 8,862 7,746 Australia/ m  p  w  b 
mzQMyxfKfSO5 erinaceous-jones Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 49 136 0 15 1.35 28,129 +0000 1 day 08:01 1,721,506 13,336,690 0 264,520 588,870 3,922,293 1,317,965 nl_NL m  p  w  b 
Y_89dfFH78hM agent-likisod-w-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 19 131 24 78 0 28,764 +0700 0 days 00:05 2,313 111,615 0 0 0 1,231 1,231 m  p  w  b 
VsWugkQaPb10 agent-lilinok-w-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 132 131 0 0 0.21 28,829 +0300 1 day 17:27 1,503,427 276,292 0 51,813 226,699 3,165,338 1,503,886 ru_RU m  p  w  b 
tNtF8u6xgC8p agent-bunokom-w-9 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 22 138 495 0 0 28,989 -0500 0 days 00:00 23,507 77,163 0 15 9 5,229 5,229 m  p  w  b 
mGeLRh1r2dym agent-rasakos-ufe-86 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 20 152 43 0 0 28,994 +0000 0 days 00:03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Etc/en m  p  w  b 
mFIcefF1l2cX _anonufe-46137791-15 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.921/09942 20 144 479 0 0 29,424 +0300 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en_GB m  p  w  b 
k_Bp0OsBVgwY YaCyN0d3 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.940/d181b9e89 119 128 19 0 0 29,790 +0100 0 days 00:11 92,078 70,679 0 229 1,075 105,445 94,312 m  p  w  b 
lc1e9JqxXjtY agent-kasarem-w-12 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 21 127 1 0 0.13 30,036 +0100 0 days 03:25 3 2,920 0 0 0 4 4 en_EU m  p  w  b 
NzywKt5r-Pus agent-bafamil-w-31 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 22 121 0 0 0.02 30,302 -0600 1 day 22:35 348 2 0 0 0 598 598 en_US m  p  w  b 
9EDXtc6rXMLE agent-dosukam-ufe-16... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 43 124 1 0 1.51 30,325 +0000 0 days 10:38 1,922,242 718,433 0 166,103 576,719 6,241,517 1,869,109 m  p  w  b 
bEvTs8i8nfgn agent-fetifom-w-64 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 42 122 0 0 2.87 30,347 +0300 0 days 20:27 1,316,787 138,806 0 294,024 2,651,578 2,953,514 1,317,750 m  p  w  b 
pqVP0tVTgVsV kotenok2000 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled dev/00000 21 125 0 0 1.38 30,391 +0300 0 days 15:52 538 8,583 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
mJWNxt1UKVrb agent-butebul-ufe-97 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 21 131 4 0 4.18 31,187 +0100 0 days 00:36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 de_AT m  p  w  b 
E6NQaJ-2O4mF agent-himenuh-ufe-27 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 38 126 0 546 3.18 31,351 +0000 0 days 10:47 812,353 1,573,226 0 4,340 29,485 342,199 278,998 en_EU m  p  w  b 
K3OZG5uEgtLb agent-pubemog-ufe-12... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 27 121 0 0 1.99 31,488 -0400 0 days 09:28 240,240 8,008 0 67,885 684,003 432,672 240,437 m  p  w  b 
h3zTqbhGKvaT agent-honesah-ufe-27 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 22 146 547 0 0 31,748 +0000 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
tQPg29d51WG9 agent-bepobis-w-172 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 171 127 15 0 0.43 31,815 -0500 0 days 00:19 190,002 24,616 0 25,524 176,641 429,021 192,463 m  p  w  b 
ijd4CyAGTIGv gooberit1 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive dev/00000 40 124 100 12 0 31,918 +0000 0 days 00:07 2,152,900 17,541,531 0 72,649 442,092 2,003,353 465,911 en_US m  p  w  b 
Lbxc4HZCGUdF agent-hilabab-w-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 23 129 0 0 1.33 32,111 +0700 0 days 21:14 208 131,054 0 0 0 211 211 m  p  w  b 
mJcHyyAdcBiV agent-fipepol-ufe-22 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 23 131 0 0 1.12 32,221 +0000 0 days 15:03 0 28,180 0 0 0 372 372 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
53pBPKJnDgZ8 agent-kemetet-w-9 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.924/10042 57 134 5 0 2.8 32,334 -0600 0 days 00:32 22,288 140,999 0 286 2,784 23,583 20,716 en_US m  p  w  b 
ReNHUnF6Aqy1 agent-namurug-w-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 22 132 6 0 0 32,640 +0800 0 days 00:25 4,818 102,152 0 0 0 264 264 m  p  w  b 
s6jg6yq6lMIL agent-digugid-w-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 23 125 6 0 0 33,148 -0500 0 days 00:22 1,151 130,981 0 0 0 815 815 m  p  w  b 
89zbomBrRvGQ agent-robifur-ufe-11... Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 23 132 12 138 0 33,170 +0000 0 days 00:11 631 40,055 0 0 0 0 0 en_AU m  p  w  b 
lyZX4b9afzVZ agent-fufarel-ufe-21 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 23 128 11 135 0.4 33,293 -0500 0 days 00:15 3,743 95,248 0 107 57 990 990 US/en m  p  w  b 
ihkDzjzFt732 agent-helehug-ufe-11... Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 32 127 3 0 0.28 33,518 -0600 0 days 01:29 5,028 52,863 0 2,441 5,768 2,321 2,321 en_US m  p  w  b 
y-KJcrFQhX42 agent-bereguk-ufe-24 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 44 132 0 0 0.4 33,608 -0500 8 days 10:30 34 99 0 131 149 1,320,143 609 m  p  w  b 
k3IZPAG7-bKo dmgd_m0n5t3r Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 25 129 0 0 3.55 33,674 +0000 1 day 15:52 58,519 22,662 0 975 2,845 376 376 m  p  w  b 
p3nE7YRt_V34 agent-kobumem-ufe-11... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 397 133 1 0 0.78 33,765 +0000 0 days 02:41 168,195 67 0 21,645 103,247 452,539 168,397 nl_NL m  p  w  b 
1TuvwonvbPGa agent-dihunap-ufc-42https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.925/09000 407 134 0 0 0 33,768 +0000 1 day 00:49 2,367,992 500,583 0 20,950 178,034 497,335 132,009 hu_HU m  p  w  b 
RKSWuwLy6fRa agent-nunadet-ufe-15 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.924/09000 229 98 11 0 2.53 33,979 -0500 0 days 00:21 1,311,728 2,498,293 0 3,502 3,502 1,516,694 666,120 m  p  w  b 
LIjZIc-76rBX agent-himifel-w-8 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 24 124 4 0 2.57 34,033 -0600 0 days 01:13 383 61,762 0 0 0 1,521 1,521 m  p  w  b 
8sFqX7xtpI8c agent-lalugig-ufe-28... Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 23 126 7 0 0 34,075 +0000 0 days 00:22 544 2 0 0 0 951 951 en_EU m  p  w  b 
pwS2s7cZ7r8a nugauk Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 28 126 4 0 2.8 34,152 +0000 0 days 01:54 822,503 209,876 0 65,295 130,200 1,351,798 821,236 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
LAbfYEbq2tbH agent-ligepat-w-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 23 120 20 0 3.78 34,217 +0500 0 days 00:06 474 95,636 0 0 0 1,313 1,313 m  p  w  b 
MBl2_5G-YSVy agent-nibosoh-w-3598 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 137 104 4 0 0.27 34,222 +0100 0 days 04:00 17,742,059 14,562,701 1,109,112 24,405,755 101,501,527 6,851 6,851 Europe/fr m  p  w  b 
WqY0eqMDZefj gigaindex_29 Principal offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.926/c3824854c 27 130 0 0 0.3 34,573 +0100 3 days 11:51 139,649,650 16,462,117 0 1,123 1,123 293,965 3,077 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
4HJLcPQfvjy7 agent-barohem-w-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 31 0 4 0 0.4 34,664 -0500 0 days 01:02 60,123 457,720 0 72 72 34,319 26,601 en_GB m  p  w  b 
_hyf1kTm7nd4 agent-sobutag-ufe-15 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 28 119 0 0 0 34,928 -0300 4 days 02:33 857 233,441 0 564 277 2,367 2,367 en_US m  p  w  b 
mAOOqk8asXrl agent-rusutub-xmfe-9 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 24 149 82 0 0 35,390 +0100 0 days 00:01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en_EU m  p  w  b 
su_IiC57Fg-R agent-hohidad-ufe-53... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 227 134 0 0 2.01 35,465 +0000 32 days 01:21 5,676,046 444,499 0 4,677,847 44,640,113 11,064,406 2,427,643 en_GB m  p  w  b 
63lXCBKYjp36 _anonw-14803207-17 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.922/09966 1843 128 5 0 1.18 35,659 +0300 0 days 00:42 22,906 222,187 0 1,147 1,173 25,620 23,580 Europe/ru m  p  w  b 
zw0Z-77wTIi6 Galactica-One Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/70454654f 189 122 1 0 2.74 36,074 +0000 0 days 08:03 12,349,749 3,167,290 0 7,132,784 77,703,067 166,334,716 12,178,364 en_US m  p  w  b 
l8UX1WbYlJ5J agent-fatamag-w-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 25 132 376 0 0 36,260 -0500 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 14 14 m  p  w  b 
veVAmYAk3SGW _anonw-75012478-14 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.920/09000 2052 115 6 0 2.66 36,632 +0700 0 days 00:42 13,699 62,417 0 943 729 15,630 13,806 m  p  w  b 
gcN1N6QwmXjc agent-gufolus-ufe-15 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 25 129 75 99 1.29 36,795 +0000 0 days 00:01 517 28,360 0 0 0 369 369 en_US m  p  w  b 
ZT3fneNs07HQ agent-hetapah-ufe-15... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 25 130 0 0 0 37,036 -0500 0 days 04:24 0 0 0 0 0 588 588 en_US m  p  w  b 
LFMejIHBYmVT agent-mekahod-ufe-41 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 25 141 445 0 0 37,179 +0000 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en_US m  p  w  b 
EvDiUAdirTMQ agent-fenibon-w-0https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 30 129 0 0 0.85 37,473 -0600 3 days 23:53 1,343,459 255,438 0 58,316 510,292 751,799 436,978 m  p  w  b 
KgZabATMSKAX agent-balaris-w-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 26 129 10 0 0.7 37,626 +0400 0 days 00:18 831 30,001 0 0 0 516 516 m  p  w  b 
d2582CKy9nFU agent-fapelak-ufe-58 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 26 142 308 0 0 38,085 +0000 0 days 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
KvdLHmA5rlSF agent-suduneg-ufe-47 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 26 129 13 0 0 38,093 +0000 0 days 00:10 62 2,339 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
CdRboqVGunVn agent-nidihuk-w-30https supported Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10042 404 130 0 0 1.16 39,235 +0100 17 days 14:22 4,928,376 1,487,792 0 1,778,389 14,477,752 25,268,702 4,933,928 de_DE m  p  w  b 
-SAd23tXXLuJ agent-hulihum-ufe-12 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 47 133 1 0 3.24 39,470 -0600 0 days 07:25 2,021,733 1,773,823 0 95,904 374,206 6,159,246 1,875,400 m  p  w  b 
ZOKcL8fD2oIg agent-dorikup-ufe-13 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 39 135 0 0 5.03 39,701 +0000 1 day 20:02 3,316,859 860,353 0 364,290 2,005,598 11,017,925 3,318,565 m  p  w  b 
Kgs7SDZb_oBz agent-gapipof-ufe-18 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 27 130 2 0 0.12 39,774 +0500 0 days 01:27 713 3 0 0 0 800 800 m  p  w  b 
F4G9AjoCb8ro gooberit3 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 27 129 29 0 0 40,093 +1100 0 days 00:06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
Kh20ksgybcz5 gobberit3 Senior offlinecrawl possibleno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 46 117 49 0 0 40,194 +1100 0 days 00:18 1,091 11,840 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
eW8kLa20FqY1 gigaindex_34 Principal offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 30 131 0 0 4.91 40,329 +0100 1 day 22:22 139,825,943 2,206 0 167,722 89,954 6,288 6,288 Europe/en m  p  w  b 
K7y_z0jq_4oz agent-bufihuk-ufe-18 Senior offlineno crawlno DHT receive 1.930/59c0cb0f3 30 130 16 6 0.14 40,761 +0000 0 days 00:26 11,968 520,372 0 0 0 42 42 m  p  w  b 
fAYNZn0DfkVo agent-kamugud-ufe-13... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/10069 28 115 18 234 0.15 40,870 +0000 0 days 00:07 656 50,820 0 0 0 945 945 en_GB m  p  w  b 
qx7ggGl9VCEc _anonw-41682449-664 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.922/09966 28 129 1 0 0 41,047 -0500 0 days 01:59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m  p  w  b 
rLJAg5QG87lL agent-nabaled-ufe-10... Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 32 125 7 0 2.65 41,483 -0500 0 days 00:27 533 25 0 0 0 2,388 1,320 en_US m  p  w  b 
9anJ2NETQdNH agent-hidebul-ufe-22 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 41 129 7 0 1.75 41,707 +0000 0 days 00:47 1,022,351 277,954 0 48,544 89,131 2,674,953 1,022,345 m  p  w  b 
QwDyWLxdUhfy agent-futekis-ufe-39 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.924/09000 121 131 24 0 6.9 42,111 -0600 0 days 00:05 6,264,281 1,272,192 0 2,740,163 19,426,091 25,020,401 5,177,844 m  p  w  b 
rRfWz-HGXr3f agent-bepeles-ufe-19 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 30 132 0 0 0 42,199 -0600 1 day 00:46 345 17,483 0 0 0 170 170 America/en m  p  w  b 
gi-tbwmLfwBB agent-gugifes-ufe-16 Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/7e8a1ef0e 196 137 0 0 3.95 42,556 +0100 1 day 22:49 10,699,357 483,129 0 13,286,183 117,604,056 71,135,771 10,701,726 en_CA m  p  w  b 
_ojQ8McS7hXx denis-rus Senior offlineno crawlDHT receive enabled 1.940/70454654f 39 133 0 0 5.44 42,809 +0300 9 days 18:26 3,397,001 1,497,395 0 9,099 9,099 24,419,925 3,401,384 m  p  w  b 
bX3crPmKp9l2 freddy13 Senior offlinecrawl possibleDHT receive enabled 1.930/59c0cb0f3 36 99 105 0 0.2 43,121 +0300 0 days 00:06 1,630,960 4,597,347 0 0 0 12 0 m  p  w  b 

runtime: 140 ms